Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Management Commitment

You jump i jump....

Mgmt commitment esp to the employees is very critical and important. Once the mgmt has committed somethg, it must go on. Not matter wht and how urgent other matters are (unless it involves life & death situation), whtever promised must be delivered as promised. Otherwise the staff would feed betrayed, les important etc and which can cause low morale and motivation. Think about it...

Manpower Planning during bad time

The company is not doing well. Wht options do we have? Do more with less, reduce cost, reduce or maintain manpower numbers... So why do we have to justify for numbers? Just issue a top down direction, ask all the Biz Heads to maintain their current manpower, focus on biz, sell, sell, sell...and make sure they deliver no less than wht they did in 2009. The more you challenge the numbers the more you'll face with deadend. Tht's my view...

your office is your life

Whether u realise it or not, after u entered into job market, u end up spending 1/2 of your life is the office, the other 1/4 would be on the road if u stay in metro area and only 1/4 with your family members. Tht's why it's important to have a nice office, great friends & colleagues and nice bosses...hehe. Easy said than done but at least, try to influence or change if necessary your workarea to make it more comfartable to work. At least you'll feel at ease when at work and able to deliver your task assigned to you at the highest satisfactory level possible. Most importantly, try to click with ppl at office who can understand u and make u happy rather than with a person who always redicule u or trying to make fun of u. No point for u to drag ur feet everyday to the office simply becoz of the wrong reasons, u are not happy there. So don't expect other to change, if u can change. Be happy at work, don't be stressful. Good luck!