Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leadership Talk. By Tun Mahathir @ Perdana Leadership Foundation, 14|9|2011

You could not imagine how great to was to listen to Tun Mahathir's talk and thought on leadership. Good leaders are the one who knows a little bit than his or her followers (that's why leaders must be broad-minded, always hungry for knowledge & expect more than others), who bring good results to the team (and willing to make unpopular decisions or take calculated risks), who can accept that he or she is not perfect (in needs of good advice from a pool of experts), and better enough if he/she could 'see' the future, not the past.
A leader in a small country could not be too visionaryan ie; wanted to built a bullet train or huge hiways when the people do not require such facilities. They must know their capabilities, their needs, and affordabilities. Malaysians condamned Tun when he wanted to built Penang bridge earlier but now people see that they need another bridge. With the bridge, it has created more business activities, faster communication & efficient transportation of people & goods, etc, hence a lot more cars on the road nowadays that no one could imagine. It's leadership with result orientated, but for a nation it requires a span of time to see the real result. He's blessed with 22 years in the premiership reign so much that he could bring a lot of good results to the entire nations, not with no blood & tears but the whole things that were done were worth it when the country is now one of the wealthiest nations in the world (refering to EPF account as well as the country's reserved).
Nelson Mandela & Peter the Great are the two whom Tun admires, their leadership, perseverence, determination to chart a better future for their countries and people, to develop rather than to punish or revenge, to move foreward rather than to step back, to grab all the possibilities and create path for their nations to better, wealthier, and raised to be a great & respected nation.
The new leadership in China is doing it well, with more than 3 billion populations, they are becoming strong and wealthier each day.
I'm proud to be Malaysian! I wander how different he'd do if he's still the PM when dealing with current economic crisis...what result would he aiming at? Would the result be better than what we are facing right now? (Btw our economy is still not that bad...right?). No one knows, only God...
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!