Thursday, December 16, 2010

Employee Engagement Survey

Now it's coming towards the end of year, other than annual performance review tht's coming, there are other performance lever or indicators such as Customer Satisfaction Index and Employee Engagement Index. A company better make sure tht there's no 'funny' decision made during this period. All unpopular decision must be avoided and only good news shd be communicated tot staff to ensure good EEI result. But do we really have to do tht? Popular or unpopular decision is driven by business. As long as employees understand the situation and the reasons behind those decisions, I trust tht employees can understand and make wise decision not to use the ESS as a mean to 'punish' the management and the company. The key thg is communication and honesty. If the mgmt can communicate well and with honesty, all employees can accept wahtever and however unpopular the news would be.
So let's communicate...

Leaders create, not destroy

Leaders create, not destroy...something we have to think about.
Leaders listen a offense but wander if they can do tht...