Saturday, October 29, 2011

Boss Speech during the Appreciation Award Ceremony

Senior management and all employees
Assalamualaikum wbk dan Salam 1Malaysia;

First of all I'd like to congratulate everyone and those who have been selected as best employees for 2011.
I'd like to also congratulate and thank everyone of you who have given your utmost effort, support and contributions towards achieving of targets these far.
Even though our achievement right now is not that encouraging, I still have high hope that all of us will contrinue to strive and give your best in the last miles of our race before year end with at least equal to if not better than our achievements last year.

Ladies & gentlemen;
You are the future of our company. Our playing field is the whole globe, clearly it's huge and a lot larger as compared to that of Malaysia. Of course it's tough right now because our presence in other regions is considerably small. But to survive and justify our existance, we have to expand.
We have to understand better what our customers want, a niche market like Middle East might have different requirements as compared to fully developed nations like US or UK. China is another emerging giant that we should not ignore. We have to learn fast what are their needs and requirements and not just to stick to our limited current offerings.
Ladies & gentlemen;
Each and everyone of you is special, otherwise we should not be here. You should be honoured to be here right now. However, we cannot have all as Best Employees and we also cannot achieve a lot without great teamwork. Individually we have to perform better and be a great team player.
A few names were proposed from each division and the nominees were carefully evaluated and the final list was selected based on your contributions beyond your normal duties. I understand the committee had tough time to come to the decision, it's not an easy task. Everyone is his or her own talent, to us you are special individually.
Do not feel bad if you were not selected this time around. Just continue your good effort and do beyond what is expected of you. Work harder beyond your normal call of duties, be a good teamplayer, understand the business and treat our customers as if they are our good friends or family members. They deserve to be treated that way. After all, they pay our salary.
Finally, I'd like to congratulate the winners and everyone of you individually. Please accept this small token as appreciation from the company.
Before I end my speech, a special thank to the organizing committee and thank you everybody.