Saturday, October 23, 2010

Interesting Thought on Talent Management by Billy C H Teoh

 You are also right that there are huge gaps between knowledge versus
performance. One can have great knowledge, yet unable to leverage on
one's great knowledge to turn into performance. This is where the
distinct differences are between the 'clever one' and the 'talented
one'. The talented one is able to harness his/her potential to the
highest levels, while the 'clever one' may just stop short.
Performance has a direct correlationship with my Meaning-Movement
Model (c). Take for example: Bank X undertook a transformation change
initiative i.e. "High Performance Culture".
For me in order to make that equation work:
Tools/Methods/Approaches/Concepts/etc. (Balanced scorecards, daily
production indicators, etc - an efficiency modeling)
+ consistency, fairness, systematic, etc. (example of what measuring
everything would mean for the Organization & its stakeholders - an
effectiveness modeling) [whatever Movement, all stakeholders must find
meaning alignment in them in order for the transformation change to
+ "Measure Everything What We Do" (example of my slogan that creates
the Movement - an effectiveness modeling) [whatever change that we are
going after, we need to establish what is the driving 'movement']
= "High Performance Culture" (Transformation Change Initiative).
So the basic equation for my Meaning-Movement Model (c) is: Efficiency
modeling (tools/methods/approaches/concepts/etc.) + Effectiveness
modeling (Meaning + Movement) = Positive Transformational Change.
This can work vertically upwards or downwards.
Example of vertically upwards is: Efficiency modeling (speeches,
debates, political lobbying, etc.) + Effectiveness modeling ([Meaning
- possibility of first Black President in history; getting rid of the
Bush image; recovering USA's leadership position in the World order;
etc.] + [Movement - "Yes We Can"]) = "Change In Government" (the
transformational change sought).
Example of vertically downwards is: Efficiency modeling (on-the-job +
off-the job assignments; training; coaching; process redesigning;
etc.) + Effectiveness modeling ([Meaning - less rework for me; higher
productivity leading to higher financial rewards; etc.] + [Movement -
"Think Quality As Our Lifestyle"]) = "Quality Mindset" (the
transformational change sought by the employee, other stakeholders &
In a nutshell, everything draws down to alignment of Meaning &
Movement for and between the Community, Organization, Employees &
Other Stakeholders in order to attain TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE.
Another example to wrap-up my Meaning-Movement Model (c): In Japan, a
farmer started organic rice farming using aigama ducks to remove rice
field pests and also enrich the soils through the duck droppings. The
Efficiency modeling is using the aigama ducks. The Effectiveness
modeling ([Meaning - healthy food, lowering of cost, higher rice
yields, etc] + [Movement - "Natural Recycling Organic Farming"]) =
"Saving Our World Through Organic Farming" (the transformational
change sought).
Now, think of your Organization, a business you want to venture into,
or a small change that you wish to do. What would be the
'transformational change' that you want to achieve? What is the
'Movement'? What does the 'Movement' means? How would you go about
making the Meaning & Movement happen?
As Martin Luther King Jr. aimed for transformational change of
'Equality For Blacks', his Movement was "I Have A Dream", which
resonated with Meaning of freedom, pride, etc; which he did through
his Efficiency modeling of rhetoric and persistent actions; what
transformational change are you pursuing now, and have you found your
'Movement & Meaning'?
The ideas above are solely my personal views and I am currently
gathering 'scientific & practice evidences' on my Meaning-Movement
Increasingly, I have found the model to be applicable in many settings
especially answering the question of "How could transformational
change be successful in any Organization?"
If there are any new evidences that support my thinking in this
respect, I will appreciate the sharing.
Billy C H Teoh

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