Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Raising the Bar & Executive Diploma program

When i joined this company in 2002, all its customer service representatives, front liners as well as technicians had formal education lower than Diploma. To raise the standard, I started to hire Diploma level employees for those positions and at the same time relocating or sending some of them for Executive Diploma program. The difference between normal Diploma track and Executive Diploma is, Executive Diploma is on fast tract, meaning that they only have to complete 18 month of classroom studies as compared with normal students (24 to 36 months). This is possible because the accreditation department recognizes their working experience. 
After 18 months most of them completed their Executive Diploma and being promoted to a higher grade based on their qualification. There's not much difference in job scope however, for the company, these graduates were better of than those with lower qualification previously in terms of skill and knowledge. The company managed to improve customer service rendered to the customers, increase problem solving skill esp those in technical team and do more with less staff. People do make a difference but skill & knowledge do make a lot more difference...

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